The Dream

The Antunez family saga unfolds against the backdrop of the picturesque mountains of central Mexico. In remote towns of Mexico, life is harsh, and the clutches of poverty are inescapable. Filiberto Antunez, our founder, emerged from these humble beginnings. Where his childhood involved cultivating tomatoes, peppers, and onions to supplement the family's meager income. The specter of financial hardship loomed large, with limited opportunities for personal growth.

In 1982, a pivotal decision was made—to break free from the chains of perpetual poverty and pursue the elusive American dream. Fourteen-year-old Filiberto, alongside his parents, arrived in Chicago. The skinny teenager found employment as a dishwasher in a small diner, receiving only meals in return for his labor.

The family found solace in Lake County in 1983, with Mr. Antunez becoming a groundskeeper at a driving range in Mundelein. It was here that golfers bore witness to his passion, ambition, and relentless work ethic, often requesting his services for their homes.

In 1988, the Immigration Reform and Control Act bestowed upon Mr. Antunez the opportunity of a lifetime—he became a U.S resident, eventually achieving U.S citizenship. By 1993, Filiberto and his father, Bernardo Antunez, transitioned to full-time landscaping. The dream began modestly—with a father, two sons, a single push mower, a two-tone 1978 Chevy Silverado, and an insatiable desire to succeed. 

In 2016, the family's legacy took a new turn as Eduardo Antunez, Filiberto’s eldest son, graduated from the University of Illinois-Chicago School of Architecture. After completing a couple of design internships, Eduardo joined the family business to establish the design division. In 2019, Eduardo's mentor and seasoned designer, Mary Robbins, became an integral part of the design team and future.

Under the leadership of Leonardo and Eduardo Antunez, the family’s company stands as a testament to resilience, hard work, and the pursuit of a dream. As the landscape of their success continues to evolve, the Antunez family remains dedicated not only to the artistry of landscaping but also to giving back to the community that fostered their growth. The Antunez legacy is not just a story of triumph over adversity; it is a living narrative of continual growth, service, and the enduring spirit of the dream.